Friday, July 25, 2008

Fuel bills

Fuel bills seem to be rising all the time. But just found out that my account with my gas/electricity provider is in credit, they owe me almost £200. Yay!

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Friday, July 18, 2008

Didn't get it

I didn't get the job mentioned in my last post.

I don't know why, but I wasn't expecting to get it, I don't think the interview went too well.

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Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Job interview

I have a job interview this week, on Thursday to be more specific, and I am spending most of today working on a five minute presentation I have to give.

I have selected which topic, of those offered as choices, to base my presentation on, and I mostly know my opinion on the topic. I am, however, finding it difficult to translate my random thoughts into a coherent presentation. That isn't to say that it's a difficult topic, just that I am very distracted, a lot of my attention seems to keep being dragged to my pending house move in four days time.

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Tuesday, June 17, 2008

More information

For the sake of fairness, I suppose I should note that new information has come to light.

Campus Watch now claim that they cut the chain of a totally different bicycle at approximately the same time as my colleagues bicycle was stolen. Also that they have been in touch with the supposed owner of the bicycle they liberated, asked for a photo of the bicycle they liberated for him, which matches the bicycle they remember liberating, and does not match my colleagues bicycle.

Oh, and all the CCTV cameras in the area - captured nothing!

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How to steal a bicycle

  1. Find a nice looking bicycle on campus
  2. Visit Campus Watch (Security) and tell them you've forgotten the combination to the combination lock
  3. Show your student card that proves you are a foreign student in your final year of study who is about to leave the country
  4. Show the security guard where the bicycle is, and have them cut off the non-combination key-locked chain - don't worry, they won't notice the inconsistency of your story and the facts
  5. Cycle away
My poor colleague will now spend most of the rest of the day cursing loudly, talking to the police, making an official complaint against stupid members of security, and dealing with the University insurance.

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Friday, May 09, 2008

Good weather

It's good weather to be sitting out on the grass eating lunch and catching some sun. Good views to be had too.

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Monday, April 07, 2008

Quiet campus

It's the start of the end of term break on campus now. That means all the students vanish for about a month, and most of the academics with them. I'm expecting things to be very quiet on the work front, except for the ongoing projects that don't require too much academic input - a good chance to catch up on documenting for the Moodle project.

Despite the snow yesterday, it's a sunny day today, but I doubt it will be warm enough to sit on the lawns at lunch, might have to wait a few more days before that becomes possible.

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Monday, November 26, 2007

Drowning out the builders

The builders are building a lift at work. This is a good thing... improving accessibility etc etc. What's bad about it, is that my office wall is the only barrier between me and extremely loud drilling and bashing equipment. Insanely loud noises are driving me insane.

However I found a way to make it relatively tolerable - listen to insanely loud music. Today, my distraction of choice is

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