Azrael's Weblog
Sunday 02 Jan 2005
Sunday 02 Jan 2005
First post of the year, and how should I fill it? With contemplative reflection on the results of the tsunami, comments on England's recovery and near victory in the 2nd test match, sending of new year wishes to all readers, all of the above, or none of the above? Frankly, I think I'll leave the big issues to those in situations that can actually do somethng about them - which means no commenting about the cricket I suppose - which sounds like a terrible idea.. let's ust hope we snatch the 3rd - which is already underway.
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Saturday 29 Jan 2005
Saturday 29 Jan 2005
Well I have been bad recently - not posting any updates at all. But I am well - just have been busy at work and consequently spending my evenings getting rest rather than doing anything worth posting about.
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