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Prices vary from project to project,
so please contact us for a custom quotation to match your requirements.

Contact AngelWeb (alt-C)
Contact AngelWeb

Type of website
Price/hour of labour
10-20 GBP
Provided by customer
Specialised images provided by customer*
Dynamic - DHTML
20-30 GBP
Provided by customer
Specialised images provided by customer*
Dynamic Content PHP/MySQL
50-60 GBP +

AngelWeb does not insist on providing hosting services, this allows us to specialise in web design
and give better value for money. Finished projects are provided on CD
or via secure download - at the customer's preference.

Webhosting Price Details
Standard Web hosting + Domain name variable GBP AngelWeb will source a suitable domain name and hosting provider for your site.
Premium Web hosting + Domain name variable GBP AngelWeb will source and manage a domain name, webspace, and e-mail addresses.
Purchased in conjunction with a retainer.

If your site is going to undergo frequent updates, one of the packages below can be purchased from
AngelWeb. Three different options balance speed of update against price.
AngelWeb will attempt to complete all updates as soon as possible.
However the services below indicate a maximum time guarantee.

Other Services Price (monthly/yearly) Details
Bronze Retainer 50 GBP / 500 GBP Changes made within 10 days
Silver Retainer 100 GBP / 1000 GBP Changes made within 1 week
Gold Retainer 200 GBP / 2000 GBP
Changes made within 2 days

* All specific content and images are to be provided by the customer.
Angelweb will provide non-specific multi-media where suitable,
including backgrounds and navigational/aesthetic images.

The DHTML package refers to dynamic menus and navigational mechanisms.
For PHP/SSI etc the Dynamic Content package is required.

AngelWeb supports web standards and the w3c and will endevour to ensure all projects are usable in
as many browsers as possible - excepting where customer requirements indicate otherwise.

Valid HTML 4.01!